The average house price on MALMESBURY CLOSE is £190,504
The most expensive house in the street is 9 MALMESBURY CLOSE with an estimated value of £216,781
The cheapest house in the street is 2 MALMESBURY CLOSE with an estimated value of £137,436
The house which was most recently sold was 2 MALMESBURY CLOSE, this sold on 11 Dec 2013 for £85,000
The postcode for MALMESBURY CLOSE is LS12 4BW
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 MALMESBURY CLOSE Terraced , 63 m2 £137,436 £85,000 11 Dec 2013
3 MALMESBURY CLOSE Terraced £212,638 £37,000 3 Nov 1995
7 MALMESBURY CLOSE Terraced , 63 m2 £180,462 £95,000 3 Dec 2004
9 MALMESBURY CLOSE Semi-Detached £216,781 £129,995 15 Dec 2006
10 MALMESBURY CLOSE Terraced £205,204 £130,000 15 Feb 2008